Golf course is one of the most expensive sports today. Golfers spend more than 200 pounds a month for clothing, clubs, and membership fees.
Most of these players are in the higher class of society or wealthy businessmen, that's why golf clubs today wanted to maximize their profit by extending the play time till evening.
This is also beneficial for the golfers because sometimes they don't have time to play during daytime. With this, lighting installation for golf courses are in high demand.
Lighting for golf course is easy to do. It is similar to area lighting, like outdoor carpark. The only tricky part in golf course lighting is how you will deliver your design to the client.
There are some attempts for lighting designers to run it in flat surface like football field, but this is not correct. Golf course has different level of contour line. It is definitely not flat. Little mound will create shadows to fairway, similar to the mounting position of the poles which sometimes are in high ground and sometimes in low level land which affects the lux level and overall uniformity requirements.

Below are videos of tips and tricks on how to do the lighting design calculations for Golf Course Project.
If you want to learn more about golf course lighting design. Enroll on this webinar or buy an e-book about this application.